Saturday, November 04, 2006

USP Natural Progesterone Cream

Here are 4 of the most commonly asked questions with regards to USP Natural Progesterone Cream.

1. Firstly what does USP Natural Progesterone Cream mean?

USP simply stands for United States pharmaceutical grade. You should always look for a cream that is 100% USP grade progesterone.


2. What is Progesterone?

It’s a hormone. But, it is not just a sex hormone, as it is commonly assumed and it is not just a female hormone which is the other common misconception. It is in fact considered “the mother of all hormones.” It is essential to all human life – men and women alike.

It is true that it is involved in the reproductive process, particularly pregnancy, which is why it is has the sex-stigma attached to it. But it serves a far more important daily purpose. Here’s why …

It is the essential raw ingredient from which our bodies make all the other hormones! This makes it very important indeed and in fact vital to our health.

3. What is Natural Progesterone and Natural Progesterone Cream?

Natural progesterone is a natural hormone that is currently being derived from the plant extract – stigmasterol, found in the soya bean.

Natural progesterone comes in a variety of different forms, but the most popular and effective by far are the ones that come in cream form. The other forms such as tablets, capsules, oils, sprays, injections and suppositories either give a quick release of the hormone and are therefore not suggested for long term use or up to 90% of the benefits are destroyed by the digestive system and liver if taken orally.

The cream is easy to apply, cost effective, can be used long term and has a moisturizing affect on the skin. It is applied at specifically allocated times in the cycles or calendar month.

4. If our bodies produce progesterone anyway, why do we need to use the cream?

There are many reasons why woman become progesterone deficient and need to supplement with natural progesterone, but at the base of the problem is something called Estrogen Dominance - which simply means there is too much estrogen and not enough progesterone present in the body. You may be surprised to learn that most women in the industrialized countries suffer from estrogen dominance.

These are some of the common ways that our hormone levels get disrupted and progesterone levels drop.

  • The Pill
  • HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)
  • Environmental poisons
  • Non organic and estrogen pumped animal food products
  • Stress
  • Cosmetics
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For more info on the causes of hormone imbalance and for more info on the symptoms of low progesterone levels in women just follow the

For more information about a USP natural progesterone cream of the highest quality that uses mostly organic ingredients and does what it says and more, click here for details about NATPRO.

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