1. What are the symptoms of low progesterone?
There are many symptoms related to low progesterone levels. Progesterone, being the “master hormone” or “mother of all hormones” is vital to optimal health, emotional and mental balance. For a full list of low progesterone symptoms click here.
2. What are the causes of hormone imbalance?
The causes of hormone fluctuations vary. Women the world over are unwittingly putting themselves out of balance through misinformation and bad choices. These are some of the common ways that our hormone levels get disrupted and progesterone levels drop.
- The Pill
- HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)
- Environmental poisons
- Non organic and estrogen pumped animal food products
- Stress
- Cosmetics
3. How do I get my hormones balanced?
Natural Progesterone creams are the easiest and safest way to raise your progesterone levels and balance hormone levels.
Depending on whether you are still menstruating or pre-/peri-/post menopausal there are different guidelines to follow to safely balance hormone levels. The cream that I use is Natpro. Click here for more details.
4. Which is the best progesterone cream?
Typically a 3.3% cream ie. 2000mg of active progesterone per 60/2oz tube is best.
Natpro is a USP natural progesterone cream of the highest quality. It is the first and currently the only progesterone cream to make use of 89% organic ingredients and non-toxic preservatives*.
*Please note, at present the “progesterone part” of creams cannot be made organic, but the majority of the rest of the ingredients can.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Over the next few days I will be posting some more FAQ's to check back.
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