Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The benefits of natural progesterone cream - part 1

What are the benefits of using a usp natural progesterone cream?

Remember: Progesterone is the “mother of all hormones”. It is the raw material from which your body makes all other hormones. It is not simply a sex hormone as it is commonly assumed. If your body is overloaded with environmental estrogens and cannot produce enough progesterone to counteract and balance them – dis-ease is the result.

Progesterone is not an “alternative remedy”, it’s an essential need. If your body cannot produce enough progesterone of its own you need to help it by giving it what it needs to protect your health.

It has been shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that supplementing with usp natural progesterone cream raises progesterone levels and corrects these unchecked estrogens providing relief to a wide range of health issues.

Here is a list of some of the benefits you may experience once you begin to balance a progesterone deficiency and curb estrogen dominance.

  • Happiness :) Natural progesterone is a natural antidepressant.

  • You get to rediscover your lost libido. Natural progesterone restores the sex drive.

  • You get relief from PMS symptoms that you’ve always just had to “live with.” Natural progesterone is effective in treating PMS because when estrogen is not balanced by progesterone, it produces weight gain, headaches, bad temper, chronic fatigue, breast tenderness and a loss of interest in sex - all of which are part of the clinically recognized symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome.

  • You get relief from menstrual cramping. Many women have found relief within 20 minutes of rubbing natural progesterone cream onto their stomachs.

  • You get relief from the normal symptoms of menopause which include hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, restlessness, vaginal dryness and mood swings. Menopause is not an estrogen deficiency disease. Estrogen levels fall by 40 - 60% during menopause, but progesterone levels often fall to zero or close to zero, which means the symptoms experienced by menopausal women are actually the symptoms of estrogen dominance! The most effective and safe treatment of menopause symptoms is to balance off the excess estrogens in the body with natural progesterone.

  • You lose weight. Balancing the excess estrogen in your body with natural progesterone normalizes blood sugar levels. When your blood sugar level is too low – you crave food – usually high-sugar or sweet foods such as chocolate. Anyone not experienced chocolate cravings during PMS? If you indulge in these quick sugar fixes your body pours insulin into the blood to help remove the sugar from the bloodstream … it then stores it … as fat. Once insulin removes the sugar from the bloodstream into the fat cells water fills the space where the sugar was – causing bloating and cramping. Natural progesterone therefore helps to reduce symptoms of both bloating and cramping giving further relief and further … weight loss.

  • Because it normalizes blood sugar levels natural progesterone also alleviates cravings and binge-eating and therefore further helps to reduce weight.

  • More weight loss benefits – it is a natural diuretic helping to release excess water that is being stored in the body.

  • And, one more on the weight loss front - it helps your body to use fat for energy.

Natpro is a USP natural progesterone cream of the highest quality. It is the first and currently the only progesterone cream to make use of 89% organic ingredients and non-toxic preservatives. It does what it says and more. Hormonal health and happiness could be yours for less than 75c (US cents) a day. PLUS if you order today you get 6 FREE bonus products to support you in your quest for radiant health.

Kiss your PMS, Depression, Stress, Low sex drive and other symptoms of low progesterone GOODBYE...

Click here for more details about Natpro.

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